The American Land Title Association (ALTA) and American Congress of Surveying and Mapping and the National Society of Professional Surveyors joined together and drafted standards for surveyors to use when asked to provide this type of survey. It is typically provided when there is commercial property that is being refinanced or sold and is a requirement of the lender and title insurance company. A standard ALTA survey provides the location of the property lines, survey monuments, all structural and surface improvements, any lines of occupation such as fences and walls, encroachemnts, easements and other matters of title that appear on a title report such as restrictions and covenants.
A property line adjustment is provided when there is a need to change the location of the property line between two existing lots. Preliminary mapping and legal descriptions are provided for application purposes to the local planning agency. The preliminary map usually includes the location of buildings, existing and proposed property lines, survey monuments, utility services, driveways and other features that may impact the new property line. After the plans have been approved, new survey monuments are set and a final record of survey drawing is prepared for filing with the county surveyor.
A foundation or mortgage survey is usually required by the bank or lender for construction draw purposes. After the building foundation is in place, it is located and a survey drawing is provided that shows the property lines and the foundation. The survey also certifies that there are no encroachments either way across the property lines.
ALTA/ACSM Land Title Surveys
Condominium Plats
Construction Staking
Flood Elevation Certificates
Foundation Surveys
Partition Plats
Property Boundary Surveys
Property Line Adjustments
Subdivision Plats
Topographic Design Surveys
Construction staking is provided for the placement of new improvements such as buildings, streets, parking lots, utility lines, utility features or any other item a contractor may need to have staked.
A property boundary survey will be necessary when you are building a fence, constructing a building, having a dispute with your neighbor, or a variety of other reasons. If you choose to have survey monuments set at the property corners, we will prepare a record of survey drawing for filing with the county surveyor.